BSI Beacon Award 2004 Goes To Logistics Supplier Dalepak


19th May 2004

The 2004 BSI Beacon Award for best practice by a small and medium sized enterprise (SME), was scooped by Dalepak Ltd, one of the only logistics companies in the world to be registered to: ISO 9001:2000 (quality), ISO 14001 (environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (health and safety). BSI Group chairman, Sir David John, presents a trophy and a cheque for £3,000 on May 19 at the BSI’s AGM at Chiswick.

The award demonstrates that pursuing excellence through management systems is achievable to an organisation of any size. Dalepak has implemented a successful Integrated Management System (IMS) in 18 months, which gives them a considerable competitive edge.

Managing director Mick White says: "Input from BSI’s client managers has been excellent. Throughout the registration process they have felt like part of the team working in partnership with us and positively leading us in the right direction."

Mick White and his wife Sheila founded Dalepak in Northampton in 1991 and named it after their grandson Dale. Dalepak now employs 80 full time staff, on 3 sites with access to 130,000 Sqft of storage space. Its client base includes Ford Motor Co, Stanley Tools, Universal Electronics, Blacks Leisure Group and Toys R Us. In addition it has a nation-wide part time staff of approximately 250 in-store merchandisers.

"We have an Integrated Management System, which meets the requirements of the international standards on quality and the environment together with the occupational health and safety management systems specification. It has been a team effort to reach the standards required to achieve this award. Everyone in the business can be proud of this achievement from the MD to the newest operative on the shop floor," says quality manager Mick Mutlow.

While stressing the importance of teamwork and congratulating staff on their achievements, Mick Mutlow has cautioned against complacency saying, "No matter how much hard work has been put in to obtain these awards, the effort must now be directed to maintaining and improving standards. Dalepak is a service company, which has thrived on its reputation for providing the right service at the right time and at the right price while maintaining the highest standards. Whether dealing with a multi-national company such as Ford or a small local business the same high standards are applied. As a large proportion of new business stems from our reputation it is imperative that we strive for continued improvement in the services we offer."

BSI is impressed with the achievement of Dalepak. Neil Hannah, managing director of BSI Management Systems (UK) says: "Dalepak has a registered IMS and is a dedicated and customer-focused, flexible, professional logistics business. They are flag-bearers for applying ISO management systems standards within an SME and reaping immense business benefits from the application. BSI Management Systems has made a vital contribution to improving its overall business performance."

For further information on Dalepak, contact:


For more information please contact:

Wilma Tulloch on +44 (0)20 8996 6330 OR
Marc Edney on +44 (0)20 8996 6330